CRUD React

There are ways of how to perform CRUD operations at the server, I use axios to do these operations. To put it to an immediate place , let's start with Create funtionality.
//CREATE or INSERT (POST) createSupplier(){ if (this.validateSupplier() === true) { var myData = JSON.stringify({ SupplierID: 0, CompanyName: document.querySelector(".companyName").value, ContactName: document.querySelector(".contactName").value, ContactTitle: document.querySelector(".contactTitle").value, Address: document.querySelector(".address").value, City: document.querySelector(".city").value, Region: document.querySelector(".region").value, PostalCode: document.querySelector(".postalCode").value, Country: document.querySelector(".country").value, Phone: document.querySelector(".phone").value, Fax: document.querySelector(".fax").value, HomePage: document.querySelector(".homePage").value }); const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' };'API/Suppliers', myData, { headers }) .then((data) => { if (data.status === 201) { var t = "Saved , OK"; this.ShowMessage("Created successfully....") } }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }) } }
Server-side C# code:
// POST: api/Suppliers // To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details see [HttpPost] public async Task> PostSuppliers(Suppliers suppliers) { _context.Suppliers.Add(suppliers); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return CreatedAtAction("GetSuppliers", new { id = suppliers.SupplierID }, suppliers); }